Pregnancy Pain Relief

We offer a unique blend of chiropractic, physical therapy, and massage.  It is designed to treat pregnancy pain, promote a healthy pregnancy and delivery, and aid in postpartum recovery. 

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*** By Participating, you consent to be contacted via phone, email, and text message to schedule your Pregnancy Pain Relief appointment.

Pregnancy Pain Relief

We offer a unique blend of chiropractic, physical therapy, and massage.  It is designed to treat pregnancy pain, promote a healthy pregnancy and delivery, and aid in postpartum recovery. 

*** By Participating, you consent to be contacted via phone, email, and text message to schedule your Pregnancy Pain Relief appointment.

Pregnancy Pain Care Center in Lancaster

Pregnancy Pain Relief in Lancaster

Welcome to Pregnancy Pain Relief

Pregnancy Pain Relief is a collective group of natural, drug free treatments designed to alleviate pain specific to pregnancy. It is a division of Susquehanna Spine and Joint Center centrally located to serve the Lancaster, York and Harrisburg Area.

Pregnancy Pain Relief’s unique treatments were derived from the chiropractic, physical therapy, and massage fields and modified to address the pregnant women’s changing physiology that results in the pain associated pregnancy.

Not only were the treatments carefully devised for pregnancy, the entire experience was created to maximize healing and relaxation. We strive to provide an immersive, optimal healing environment designed to heal and de-stress, which is essential in minimizing pain and fostering a healthy pregnancy.

How We Treat Pregnancy Pain

Our pain treatments are proven to improve your comfort throughout and after pregnancy.
Lancaster Prenatal Chiropractic Adjustment

Spine and Pelvis Alignment

The uterus has ligaments that attach to the pelvis and as the baby grows tension on these ligaments can pull the pelvis and spine out of alignment. Using chiropractic techniques the pelvis is aligned helping the hips move properly correcting the cause of the pain.

hypervolt pregnancy pain relief in lancaster

Hypervolt Trigger Point Therapy

Using the Hypervolt Advanced Massage Tool we are able to target specific areas of pain to relax the muscles and promote recovery. The Hypervolt is a great natural, drug free way to treat the trigger points that lead neck and back pain as well as tension headaches.

spinal stretching to relief back pain

Lower Back Spinal Stretch

As your baby grows the compression and stress in your lumbar spine increases. This leads to back pain and muscle spasm common in pregnancy. The Lower Back Spinal Stretch relaxes the pressure on the spine alleviating the pain and spasm.

pregnancy massage chair

Pregnancy Massage Chair

The Zero Gravity Massage Chair treats the entire spine as well as the feet and legs. The massage relaxes the tight muscles from pregnancy and delivery. The Zero Gravity Chair also elevates the legs and feet while massage them helping with the pain and swelling common in pregnancy.

Our Pregnancy Suite

The Pregnancy Pain Relief Suite is an immersive environment that incorporates each of woman’s senses designed to alleviate pain and stress, promote a sense of well-being, and foster a healthy pregnancy. It is set in a low ambient light atmosphere diffused with essential lavender oil and a selection of chocolate. The setting compliments the healing therapies of the Zero Gravity Chair Back and Foot Massage and Low Back Decompression provided to the pregnant women in the suite.